a doze of my everyday fiction. "THIS BEGGAR"
6:50 AM |

He was about only three meters away.
I couldnt help but to glance at him for a moment.
He had been in that place, succumbed for maybe years.
It is where he finds joy, contentment and peace.
As I look at the features of his body..it lead me to a conclusion that he hadn't eaten for days, or even weeks.
But inspite of this, He had that strength, that vigor to look so closely to people who had passed by his own place.
He intricately examined each one who waited in that waiting area.
And at the moment he stares at one person. Believe me, that person won't pass by leaving without pain and hurt.
It's been almost three hours since the time I've been waiting for that magical ride.
The ride that will bring me to the majestic palace of my very own Prince, my special One, my Love.
One who I hadn't known yet, but I will, when He comes.
It will be my heart speaking from then, and not my mouth.
It his heart and mine that would converse, and will just take the embodiment of our souls together and bring us to that palace.
The palace that He prepared so long ago.
From the time I felt my first heartbeat in this world.
For the meantime, a lot had spoken to me.
They've used the language of Humans.
the one that is cognitive.
For the past thirty minutes, three guys spoken to me.
I enjoyed their company as I was waiting.
They've spoken much about their life, telling tales of their own, adventures, experiences they've gone through, they spoke about dreams, ambitions, fears, losses, victories, hope and love.
Each one tried to talk to my dear heart.
But it never replied.
I wasn't hurying at all.
I enjoyed their company, they enjoyed and loved mine.
I gigled when they joked.
I laughed loudly when their stories are hilarious.
I dropped a tear when they were sad.
I shared their sorrows and pain.
They were friends to me.
But I wasn't so to them.
I felt and knew I was more.
but still my heart isn't just awake.
It was only in that thirty minutes that the person at the wall, started staring at me.
and after that thirty minutes that he stood and spoke.
I wanted to draw out respect for this man, but it was so difficult for me as he started to speak.
He started, this "speech' of his, by saying:
I have become just one of that species.
that species of women, that have been despised by people that who think that in their purest conscience they are innocent, hurting no one in the cause of love.
I became that person who've become so low, being friendly to everyone and not turning my back on anyone who needs help.
I became that girl who graced myself to men that I barely knew, feeling that they are damaged and needed to be fixed.
I was a person who was full of paradox;
had high standards, but embraced the low
had unreachable happiness, but giggled at the lamest jokes
had desire for a lot of things, but was satisified with just a meager.
There were a lot of things he babbled about me.
At first I was shocked,amused at times, but usually angered.
This man, after all, just saw me for only thirty inutes.
I know and I believe that for only that, I could ay everything he had spoken about me was a lie.
and indeeduntil then...
that beggar starved and I waited