8:33 AM |


Finally, something id really enjoy online.
its because of two close friends..
why i am able to blog in here right now..
well,, more because of one.
i wanted to start blogging ever since..
when i had my multiply account.
it came to me.. that it was somehow a strenuous thing to do.
with the contacts and all..
it wasnt really a place you would free yourself.
you know, a very prominent reason why people want to blog is that because they want to find a place that they would just express themselves
scribble some notes into air, permamnently etching it there.
in multiply, it just isnt so..

i knew about blogspot for long..
but didn't bother much..
until thess close friends indeed opened it up to me once again.
and now here i am..'writing'
i know for a fact that id get tired of all these 'social netork sites' i call it..
friendster, multiply, facebook..and such..
but i think.. this is one that i wouldnt get tired of..
it doesnt at all fall under that bracket even.

maybe this is that 'place' i could truly etch my thoughts in the air..
and again

lets see.. :D

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